Thursday, February 12, 2009


Nearly finished pages.  Page 4 just needs some final color clean up and shading and I need to change the robot faces.  Still not totally excited with the overall result but I need it done for Kinematifest and my Pixar portfolio.


Anonymous said...

I know we were talking about the first picture last night and what could be added. How about a looming shadow from the girl as well as the idea to make the frame a bit crazy and hazy on the first one?

Anonymous said...

If you decide on a shadow for page one, be sure to put it in the other pages.

That blank space in the lower left corner could use something. Nothing big, but maybe the hint of a man-hole cover?

Anonymous said...

Page 4 upper left hand corner could use a little background work. Maybe put in a light post or the hint of a city street. Do not go into any more detail than you do the door, but I feel like it needs something there.